eBike Tours are FUN!

Fun Fun Fun on our eBikes! Today's riders live in all parts of the US BUT they all went to the same High School in Utah! They sure enjoyed riding the eBikes - and I sure enjoyed showing them around [...]


August Full Moon

This picture of the Coronado Bridge is on last year's August Full Moon. Think I'll stay after our eBike Tour on Coronado is over and see if it's as beautiful tonight. Photo by Chris Mannerino...


UNDER the Coronado Bridge!

We always stop for the view and a bit of history just before the Coronado Bridge. Our Coronado Bike Tour riders look ahead and often ask "Are we really going to ride UNDER the bridge? Oh yes we are - no worries it's totally safe...


Sunny Day As Usual!

San Diego truly has the best weather to ride bikes! Oh yes, rain is sometimes predicted but 90% of the time it doesn't! Even when it does rain it's mostly at night - on the coast where we ride anyway...


UNDER Coronado Bridge?

We Do Ride UNDER the Coronado Bridge! YES! The Coronado Bridge was completed in 1969. The bridge is over 2 miles long, and curves at an angle of eighty degrees towards San Diego which allows US Naval and other large ships to pass underneath. Architect Robert Mosher modeled it after Spanish Mission Churches, which are an important aspect of regional history and architecture. This is just one of the many beautiful spots we ride on our Coronado Bike Tour...


Will it Make it?

The bridge's curve allows for lower gradients while still meeting the Navy’s requirements because the bridge can be safely crossed by motorists while also allowing Navy vessels to pass under the bridge. A rider on our Coronado Bike Tour took this picture last week. Did it make it?...


Sprinkles – Really?

It almost rained in San Diego in August! We've never been rained on any of our tours - until this one. Well, maybe a bit of an exaggeration as we felt DROPS of rain for the 1st 10 minutes! Then sun, sun and more sun - as usual...


Feb. Ride: 69°

YES, Feb 4th was 69° & Sunny with a Really FUN Group! Did you ever wonder why we always call San Diego our Paradise? Almost never too hot or too cold! Perfect weather for a bike ride...


Why is Coronado Bridge Curved?

The curve in the bridge has given it a famous and unique feature, and it allows for lower gradients while still meeting the Navy’s requirements because the bridge can be safely crossed by motorists while also allowing Navy vessels to pass under the bridge...


Coronado Art!

All my Coronado Bike Tour riders LOVE this sculpture - turning with the wind with the Coronado Bridge up ahead. Amos Robinson created this masterpiece...


Coronado Golf Course

Today's Coronado Bike Tour riders said they'd return here! Opened in 1957, Coronado Golf Course is rated as one of the best public golf courses in the nation. Located just minutes from downtown San Diego it's sure to be a favorite destination for anyone that enjoys the game of Golf...

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