Will it Make it?

The bridge's curve allows for lower gradients while still meeting the Navy’s requirements because the bridge can be safely crossed by motorists while also allowing Navy vessels to pass under the bridge. A rider on our Coronado Bike Tour took this picture last week. Did it make it?...


Is Kate Morgan’s Ghost Here?

Kate & her lover took the train from LA to the Hotel Del. On the train, they got into a big fight and her lover got off the train. She was found dead with a shot to the head. There are reports she died in her room. If it’s true or not or if you believe in ghosts or not, there is one fact...


Haunted Hotel del Coronado?

Kate Morgan made plans for Thanksgiving weekend in 1892 to be with her married "boyfriend" at the Hotel Del. On the train there they got in a big fight. They got off the train mad at each other. She checked in to the Hotel Del by herself, walking the beach, hoping he would return. He never did. She was found dead with a shot to the head. Who shot her has always been debated. Some say it was self-inflicted, some say otherwise. Many say that room, # 3327 is truly haunted. I personally don't believe in ghosts BUT I wouldn't stay there...


Sprinkles – Really?

It almost rained in San Diego in August! We've never been rained on any of our tours - until this one. Well, maybe a bit of an exaggeration as we felt DROPS of rain for the 1st 10 minutes! Then sun, sun and more sun - as usual...


I Want to Ride…

I want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycle. I want to ride my bicycle. I want to ride my bike. I want to ride my bicycle. I want to ride it where I like. By Queen...


Hotel del Coronado Love

"Amazing" is what most of our Coronado Bike Tour riders say when we arrive at the Hotel del Coronado. After having time to walk around the hotel and surrounding area a bit many say they will definitely return for at least 1 night. The $200 million expansion was a success...


Memorial Day

We always love seeing the art of The Sandcastle Man on our Coronado Bike Tour. Yesterday was something special though, celebrating Memorial Day...


Let’s Get Lost

Reason #308 I Call This Paradise! It's true I am easily bored but even after living in San Diego for 22 years there's always more to explore on my bike...


Coronado Kiteboarding

Don't be surprised if the next time you go to Coronado's beach you see a person zipping through the water (and flying into the air) while being pulled by a giant kite. The sport is called kiteboarding and it is the perfect mix of surfing, windsurfing, wakeboarding and paragliding. Kiteboarders are able to ride continuously rather than sitting and waiting for waves like surfers...


23 Years later Armando Sees His “CORONADO” Sign!

In 1988 Armando was hired to cover up the Coronado Beach Sea Weed from recent storms. He decided to be creative and write something. It took a couple of years but what an incredible piece of art! Armondo never saw it from above until 2011 when Jenny and Molly Cooper hired a plane and showed him. Here's a video of him...


Sunken Ship – Do I Dare?

‘Sin Ship’ was destroyed by a storm in 1936. The 2016 El Niño storms cleaned up the shore and the SS Monte Carlo is more visible than ever. Excited tourists and locals have seen walking, climbing and even exploring the wreckage looking for silver coins! In the Prohibition days, the ship was anchored in international waters to avoid U.S. laws. People searching for gambling, prostitution or bootleg whiskey would take smaller boats out to the ‘sin ship’ for a night of revelry...


Coronado’s Silver Strand

Some of our riders like a longer than normal route so we take them on the Silver Strand Bike Path with lots of Rest Stops. This is a great place for cyclists to enjoy the views as they pedal along the palm-tree-lined path leading from Coronado to Chula Vista...


No Rain Just Flamingos!

Rain was Predicted - But SUN Everywhere! 90% of the time when rain is forecast here in San Diego it doesn't happen. Our Coronado Tour Bike Riders and the local Flamingos seem to like that! Just a 5 minute walk to the Marriott Hotel to see them...


Feb. Ride: 69°

YES, Feb 4th was 69° & Sunny with a Really FUN Group! Did you ever wonder why we always call San Diego our Paradise? Almost never too hot or too cold! Perfect weather for a bike ride...


71 ° in January!

San Diego Bike Riding Paradise! The weather is why I moved to San Diego 20 years ago. Yes, it does get cloudy or even rainy sometimes - but not too often. PERFECT weather for cycling...


Happy Holidays

Our Coronado Riders always enjoy these lovely messages from The Sandcastle Man. Different ones every day! Look for him in front of the Hotel del Coronado...

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