Ocean To Bay!

We begin on the Ocean Boardwalk and ride 2 blocks east to circle Mission Bay, the biggest aquatic park in the US. The paths are wide and mostly flat with a variety of grassy parks and historic surf spots. You’ll see wonderful wildlife and historic surf spots. It’s home to many species of birds, fish, and other animals and has a nature reserve at its northern end near Crown Point...


Lots of Options in Mission Bay

So many beautiful sites on our southern Mission Bay route. Many say they'll return to give Sailing and/or Stand Up Paddle Boarding a try. The Mission Bay Aquatic Center has lots of lessons for SUP (Stand Up Paddle Boarding), Sailing, Surfing and much more...


Time to Give!

Holidays are coming up so this is the perfect time to Give Thanks to someone with a Scenic Cycle Tours Gift Certificate with no expiration date! And you can join them at a special discount too...


Calm Mission Bay!

This 12 miles of mostly flat bike path follows the interior of the beautiful bay, allowing our riders to take in the natural beauty of the BAY and the OCEAN! It’s home to many species of birds, fish, and other animals and has a nature reserve at its northern end near Crown Point...


Mirrors for Riding Bikes

If you're reluctant to ride a bike with a mirror, take a moment to consider your options when you ride without one. To see behind you, you have no choice but to turn your head and torso, even removing a hand from your handlebars in some cases. They cost VERY LITTLE and will make YOU, other riders, walkers, and cars safer...


After Labor Day…

Our Mission Bay Bike Tours after Labor Day are so lovely and quiet even on the weekends - until you get to the Ocean Boardwalk where the beauty of the ocean will be worth it!!! Such a great time to come for a ride with us...


King and Queen!

Not everyone wants to be the King and Queen of South Shores Park but these 2 riders on our Mission Bay Bike Tour were perfect for the role! This park is on a little used beach at the south end of Mission Bay in San Diego...


Pacific Islander Festival!

Join Us on Sept. 23 or 24. On our Mission Bay Bike Tour we will get to view or even visit this annual celebration. It's just across the bay from our 'normal' Bike Tour route. This celebration provides educational and cultural resources to everyone, but with emphasis on the Indigenous People of Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia...


Knees Like Biking!

Your Knees Will Thank! You A new study finds that people who bike regularly are significantly less likely to have osteoarthritis or experience knee pain by age 65 compared to people who don’t bike. The study adds to the body of evidence supporting the health benefits of cycling, including strengthening the immune system and helping you live longer...


Sea World…

Stopping to take a picture of Sea World in the distance. Next comes a Wildlife Reserve, then Fiesta Island with safe 1-way lanes for bikes and cars...


Challenge Fulfilled!

After our flat and easy normal Mission Bay Bike Tour a couple of guys wanted to be challenged. SO I took them UP Mt. Soledad & down to the ocean. "Now THIS is something we never see in Indiana!" one of the guys said! Love my riders!


Rain Brings Flowers!

Sunny Days & Flowers are Back! San Diego has had more rain than usual this year. Although it is much needed we are so happy sunny days with flowers have returned! See for yourself on our Mission Bay Bike Tour!...

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