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4 Great Bike Rides You Can Do in NY, Chicago, Atlanta & LA OR Join us on one of our Scenic Cycle Bike tours! WHEEL ESTATE The new bike path on the Mario Cuomo Bridge, linking the Hudson River [...]
4 Great Bike Rides You Can Do in NY, Chicago, Atlanta & LA OR Join us on one of our Scenic Cycle Bike tours! WHEEL ESTATE The new bike path on the Mario Cuomo Bridge, linking the Hudson River [...]
Gandhi on a Bike Statue! For years, Mahatma Gandhi commuted to work on a bike on a 16km round-trip. Last year, a statue of Gandhi on a bike was unveiled in New Delhi—now that's the kind of statue I [...]
I Am Awake and Feeling Good! There are certainly things we all can complain about and most of us are feeling 'challenged' these days BUT riding my bike helps put things in perspective. I feel good as does my family. [...]
Speeding & Spandex Don't Go Together! COVID19 has more and more people riding bikes creating a whole new awareness of how to do it safely. This sign is in Encinitas CA, part of San Diego county. They've been trying to [...]
Summer - not really! We do not offer Weekend Mission Bay Bike Tours during the Summer because the Bike Paths and Boardwalk are sooooo crowded - but weekdays are fun ALL YEAR ROUND! Click on an Image for a [...]
1st Day Back Riding Mission Bay! So excited to show our riders around Mission Bay and the Boardwalk today where we may see surfers right below us on the Pier! It's been a much needed break but we're back [...]
Our Bike Tours are available on July 1st! This picture is from June 23rd! The boardwalks are open again and ready for us to come and enjoy riding them. This is the Mission Bay ocean Boardwalk but ALL Mission Bay [...]
Mission Beach and Bay Boardwalks! COVID19 closed all beaches, boardwalks and parking lots in San Diego BUT they're open again! Come ride with us!
Happiness is Just a Bike Ride Away! By ROBIN ABCARIAN At the beginning of the COVID-19 shutdown, I was overcome by a palpable sense of lethargy. All I wanted to do was sleep in and eat toast. I stopped running with [...]
No Shaking Hands - Just Riding Bikes! Cycling is a great way to stay safe and healthy in these challenging times of the Coronavirus.
Dare we say, our family Bike Tours are usually the most Joyful? There's just something special that happens when adults and kids get together exploring life on bikes. We've received many emails from family riders that tell us they continue doing family rides after our tours.
Celebrate Your Love! Now wouldn't a Bike Ride in San Diego be a unique and wonderful Valentine's Day Gift? Our tours are enjoyed by everyone because bike paths safe with no hills! 2 Choices Mission Bay around the US's largest [...]
Build a Better Brain! Cycling outdoors can, in itself, reduce stress and decrease symptoms of depression and anxiety. There’s also evidence that “green exercise” can boost enjoyment and motivation. People who bicycle for their health can often rattle off several [...]
Massive Gray Whale Greets San Diego Surfers! A very special guest graced the lineup at Black's Beach this past Saturday taking a break from its migration south to Mexico. Will we see a whale on our Mission Bay or Coronado [...]
King Tides Today!Tides were so big the Lifeguard told everyone to get out of the water!This Mission Bay Bike Tour was a fun group from all over Europe and Tennessee! Scenic Mission Bay - a Warm and Sunny December Ride [...]
Son Books a Tour for he and his Dad! How sweet is this? A bit of time to get away and appreciate each other! My daughter and I went to Paris together last year!
"We Were Off Our Phones for Over 2 Hours!" This has to be one of my favorite comments of my riders when I asked what their favorite part of the tour was!
Favorite Part of our Mission Bay Tour was this Area... "Very Meditative Here", oue rider said - love it! Notice the peninsula of birds in the background
Choosing to ride a bike is a good choice if you want to be happy!
These Gals Were So Much Fun!