Ice Skating Right Next to the Ocean!

San Diego Has a Beachfront Ice Rink! Join us for a Coronado Bike Tour and then go skating in shorts practically on the ocean edge at the Hotel del Coronado! This spectacular San Diego beachfront ice rink features stunning views of the Pacific & benefits Make-A-Wish...


Did you know????

San Diego is known as the Happiest City in America? Probably because we love riding bikes here! Come join us on our Coronado or Mission Bay Bike Tours.


Wizard of Oz Home!

Frank Baum Wrote the Wizard of Oz Here. On our Coronado Bike Tour today we visited the home where Frank Baum spent winters from 1904 - 1910. It's main street, Orange Ave., was the inspiration for the Wizard of Oz’s Yellow Brick Road and Hotel del Coronado inspired Emerald City. And there's quite a Love Story here too...


Biking Santas!

A thousand Santas ditched the sleigh in favor of bikes in downtown Milwaukee. This nonprofit advocates for accessible, safe biking across the state and set up biking education programs for children and adults alike. Last year the group raised $50,000!


UNDER Coronado Bridge?

We Do Ride UNDER the Coronado Bridge! YES! The Coronado Bridge was completed in 1969. The bridge is over 2 miles long, and curves at an angle of eighty degrees towards San Diego which allows US Naval and other large ships to pass underneath. Architect Robert Mosher modeled it after Spanish Mission Churches, which are an important aspect of regional history and architecture. This is just one of the many beautiful spots we ride on our Coronado Bike Tour...


Is It Snow or Sand?

Ice Skating at the Hotel del Coronado starts today, November 17th! Many of our Coronado Bike Tour riders do this after our ride. Many of our Coronado Bike Tour riders do this after our ride. I always bring at least one friend and make them take off their skates and then run barefoot in the ocean. Sooooo FUN...


Will it Make it?

The bridge's curve allows for lower gradients while still meeting the Navy’s requirements because the bridge can be safely crossed by motorists while also allowing Navy vessels to pass under the bridge. A rider on our Coronado Bike Tour took this picture last week. Did it make it?...


Is Kate Morgan’s Ghost Here?

Kate & her lover took the train from LA to the Hotel Del. On the train, they got into a big fight and her lover got off the train. She was found dead with a shot to the head. There are reports she died in her room. If it’s true or not or if you believe in ghosts or not, there is one fact...


Haunted Hotel del Coronado?

Kate Morgan made plans for Thanksgiving weekend in 1892 to be with her married "boyfriend" at the Hotel Del. On the train there they got in a big fight. They got off the train mad at each other. She checked in to the Hotel Del by herself, walking the beach, hoping he would return. He never did. She was found dead with a shot to the head. Who shot her has always been debated. Some say it was self-inflicted, some say otherwise. Many say that room, # 3327 is truly haunted. I personally don't believe in ghosts BUT I wouldn't stay there...


WHY Should I Ride a Bike? Part 2

Live Longer & Be Happier! “When the spirits are low, when the day appears dark, when work becomes monotonous, when hope hardly seems worth having, just mount a bicycle and go out for a spin down the road, without thought on anything but the ride you are taking,” wrote Sherlock Holmes author Arthur Conan Doyle in Scientific American...


Sprinkles – Really?

It almost rained in San Diego in August! We've never been rained on any of our tours - until this one. Well, maybe a bit of an exaggeration as we felt DROPS of rain for the 1st 10 minutes! Then sun, sun and more sun - as usual...


I Want to Ride…

I want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycle. I want to ride my bicycle. I want to ride my bike. I want to ride my bicycle. I want to ride it where I like. By Queen...

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