Martin Luther King

Wisdom and Art in Coronado We always see the art of The Sandman on our Coronado Bike Tour. Yesterdays was something special though, celebrating this very wise man.


Gray Whale Visits San Diego!

Massive Gray Whale Greets San Diego Surfers! A very special guest graced the lineup at Black's Beach this past Saturday taking a break from its migration south to Mexico. Will we see a whale on our Mission Bay or Coronado [...]


Environment Friendly Vacations

Bike Tours for Environment-friendly Family Vacations Bike Tours provide a bit of exercise and are far more environmentally friendly than sitting in a car for hours where everyone is staring at their cell phones! Our bike tours are just the [...]


Ferry Option

Coronado Ferry Today's riders took the Ferry from San Diego to begin our Coronado Bike Tour and are now on their way back. Ferry ride is just 15 minutes and super fun!


Europeans LOVE San Diego!

San Diego Love! All 3 Coronado Bike Tours this week were from different parts of Europe. They sure were fun groups and seemed to really enjoy riding around Coronado. Here's what they all said was different from where they live: [...]


Coronado is a Winner!

Coronado is on the Top 10 List of Best CA Beaches! Coronado Beach is the toast of Southern California; it is a veritable oasis by the sea, measuring hundreds of yards wide. With its lush subtropical vegetation, unique Mediterranean climate, [...]


Team Building

After a recent ride with a group from one company we've decided to do special Team Building Bike Tours. It could be just a group from one company having a bit of fun OUTSIDE the office. Or actual Team Building exercises to energize, focus and motivate your group. Stay Tuned...


San Diego is # 1!

San Diego is # 1 Best City for Getting Outside! If you long for the hustle and bustle that a city break offers but also want to connect with nature and the outdoors, these cities and outdoorsy experiences could be [...]


June Gloom is Fine!

We San Diegans often say "UGH June Gloom is here" Today's riders on our Coronado Bike Ride were from from Oklahoma had a totally different attitude. "It's warm, dry and there are no hurricanes!" was their response to a few [...]


Spring in Coronado!

Coronado in Full Bloom! This is the first year in a long time San Diego has reached it's ideal amount of rainfall. In fact, we exceeded it! Flowers like we haven't seen in years make our Coronado Bike Tours [...]

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