Our Bike Tour Groups range from 2 riders to 20 riders. This group of two riders was one of my favorites. Why? They were both retired, but they are returning to school: Mark for Nursing and Missy for Art...
Our Bike Tour Groups range from 2 riders to 20 riders. This group of two riders was one of my favorites. Why? They were both retired, but they are returning to school: Mark for Nursing and Missy for Art...
It all depends on where you're looking from! We saw these Sand Dunes near the Hotel del Coronado on our Coronado Bike Tour and they looked like just normal Sand Dunes BUT a very creative worker, Mando Moreno, made them look a bit different from above...
We begin on the Ocean Boardwalk and ride 2 blocks east to circle Mission Bay, the biggest aquatic park in the US. The paths are wide and mostly flat with a variety of grassy parks and historic surf spots. You’ll see wonderful wildlife and historic surf spots. It’s home to many species of birds, fish, and other animals and has a nature reserve at its northern end near Crown Point...
So true - Kids benefit greatly and enjoy it! But a friend just reminded me how I changed her life - by teaching her to ride a bike! AND she was 22 years old then...
So many beautiful sites on our southern Mission Bay route. Many say they'll return to give Sailing and/or Stand Up Paddle Boarding a try. The Mission Bay Aquatic Center has lots of lessons for SUP (Stand Up Paddle Boarding), Sailing, Surfing and much more...
Coronado Is a Wonderland! There are so many options on our Coronado Bike Tour. Here's just a few...
Our Bike Tours don't have hills but if we did this would be so fun! The Norwegian city of Trondheim has created a bike escalator...
Celebrating MLK’S Wisdom “Darkness cannot drive out Darkness. Only Light can do that. Hate cannot drive out Hate, Only LOVE can do that.”...
We LOVE showing all ages around Coronado on Bikes...
It's January & Sunny in San Diego! Perfect bike riding weather...
I truly believe 2025 will be a GREAT year! Some say all you have to do is believe it and it will happen. Why not give it a try...
Mission Bay Loves to Celebrate! You never know what we'll see on our Mission Bay Bike Tour in December! Beauty is all around us...
We Are Soooo Spoiled! Paradise is what we call San Diego. Is it because of our sunny weather or maybe the friendly people or maybe the incredible views? So many possible answers...
Holidays are coming up so this is the perfect time to Give Thanks to someone with a Scenic Cycle Tours Gift Certificate with no expiration date! And you can join them at a special discount too...
This 12 miles of mostly flat bike path follows the interior of the beautiful bay, allowing our riders to take in the natural beauty of the BAY and the OCEAN! It’s home to many species of birds, fish, and other animals and has a nature reserve at its northern end near Crown Point...
I’m sitting in front of the Hotel del Coronado while my Coronado Bike Tour riders explore the hotel & this happens! A mom, dad & their 2 year old boy walk by & the 2 year old boy waves his hand to this 102 year old man – then he shakes his hand! Yes, we were all crying happy tears...
If you're reluctant to ride a bike with a mirror, take a moment to consider your options when you ride without one. To see behind you, you have no choice but to turn your head and torso, even removing a hand from your handlebars in some cases. They cost VERY LITTLE and will make YOU, other riders, walkers, and cars safer...
This is a picture of a family on a recent Coronado Bike Tour at the Hotel del Coronado. The Hotel is still being remodeled but soon it will be finished and will be incredible...
Freedom Is Not Free. When we have a current or former member of our Military on our Coronado Bike Tours we always visit Star Park, a lovely park to honor them. We can never thank them enough...
Awwww, our San Diego Mission Beach is almost empty in Oct - but still magical with warm weather and water. Photo by @michaelhsu95...