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Longer Ride Requested Today! Rain was forecast here in San Diego but about 90% of the time they're wrong AND since we offer 100% refund in case of rain today's group decided to wait until this morning to decide. [...]
Listening to the music of the ocean on our Scenic Cycle Tours ride in Coronado!
Our 5 Days of Winter are OVER! 72 and Sunny - Let's ride Coronado!
Riding Then Skating! One of our Coronado Tour riders sent me this picture. After visiting the Hotel del Coronado on our ride they returned to give skating a try! The rink is open thru Jan. 6th...
Ice Skating in Shorts! Rode over to the ice skating rink at the Hotel del Coronado to watch skater in shorts skating right on the boardwalk!
Celebrating LOVE through the art of James Hubbell! At the end of our ride in Coronado yesterday we witnessed this lovely wedding!
THANK YOU! This past year has been so incredible sharing our San Diego paradise on bikes with you all. We hope that you all have lots to be Thankful for too.
Who needs a Present? Who would you like to gift with a San Diego Scenic Cycle Bike Tour?
This Video Says It All! Join us on our Coronado Bike Tour! Located just across the San Diego Bay from Downtown San Diego, home to the historic Hotel del Coronado and the iconic San Diego-Coronado Bridge, sits the picturesque, coastal [...]
I did a reconnaissance ride this weekend for a group from Georgia who wanted a longer than the usual Coronado ride when they visit next month. They said they were 'real' cyclists (they wore bike shorts!!!) but preferred a flat [...]
Maybe We'll See Some! These were seen last week in San Diego. Will keep an eye out on our next Mission Bay Bike Tours and Coronado Bike Tours!
2 Choices Choice 1: Pay for 3 hours parking Choice 2: Buy ice cream and get 3 hours of parking FREE. Guess what we chose on yesterday's Coronado Bike Tour?
Some Riders Even Danced! Beautiful weather, super-nice riders and even music at the Coronado Ferry Landing - what a day!
Coronado Golf Course This is the Coronado Golf Course which we ride by. I love showing our riders parts of San Diego they didn't know about - even the ones that live here! 50% said they'd return to play. Me, [...]
Really???? Wow, I've never seen a 4 person Stand Up Paddle Board before - I can barely ride one by myself! We only saw all 4 of them get up at the same time just once but they sure were [...]
Sea Lion Birth! Well, we didn't get to see this live seal birth this past weekend on our bike ride - but you never know!
WOW!!!! Sunday's Coronado bike ride was the best EVER! Discovered a new bike tunnel and saw a sculpture by The Sandman at Hotel del Coronado! Great riders too from 3 different countries!
Let's Celebrate! We'll be riding on Coronado today to celebrate United Nation's first International World Bicycle Day!
Paris Vs. San Diego Bike Lanes Loved Paris' separated Bike Lanes - but the Bike Lanes we ride here in San Diego are pretty nice too!
Our Coronado Rest Stop! Nice view of San Diego, no?