Not a Special Holiday...just another day riding bikes and celebrating LOVE all around San Diego...
Not a Special Holiday...just another day riding bikes and celebrating LOVE all around San Diego...
Let's Continue Valentine's Day! So many ways to show those we love that we care even after Valentine's Day! Artist Sempe shows us just one...
A thousand Santas ditched the sleigh in favor of bikes in downtown Milwaukee. This nonprofit advocates for accessible, safe biking across the state and set up biking education programs for children and adults alike. Last year the group raised $50,000!
1 Block - 3 Bike Pictures! We San Diegans love to ride bikes and love to create bike art for the world to see! These are in Solana Beach area...
Reason #308 I Call This Paradise! It's true I am easily bored but even after living in San Diego for 22 years there's always more to explore on my bike...
Just like life, riding my bike doesn't always make sense. But that's why I love it. It's one of the rare things in life that lets you escape from the world, while also connecting you to it...
There's something liberating about riding a bike. You never know where you'll go, but there is that reassuring sense of achievement of doing something yourself...
This is soooo true and more people every day are discovering this! It's a good sign for our future generations...
“For thirty years, I went around everywhere on my bicycle. No matter the destination, rain or shine, I’d go there on my bike. Even if I was going to a fancy event, I’d show up in my tux in ankle straps, rain-drenched but happy.” J.J Sempe...
Thank you Cyclovia! Encinitas in N San Diego was temporarily closed off to motor-vehicle access along a portion of Coast Highway 101 to allow cyclists, pedestrians and other non-motorized travelers to enjoy the roadway without cars. FUN, FUN, FUN! There were sooooo many more people this year than past years. LOVED seeing kids reminding their parents how much fun riding bikes together can be...
Taking up cycling could be one of the best decisions you ever make. Whether it’s to boost your fitness, health, bank balance, or an environmental choice. Here 9 reasons to ride a bike, whether you want to improve your health, happiness, relationships or all three...
An Island in the Middle of the Bay! On our recent Mission Bay Tour the group wanted a few more miles so I took them to Fiesta Island where it's a 1-way road right in the middle of Mission Bay. [...]
50th and 1st Wedding Anniversaries! Oh my, these couples were so fun!
As Covid-19 infection rates have risen in New York, and the city braces for winter, it can be hard to see a reason for optimism. For his latest New Yorker cover R. Kikuo Johnson finds one: the welcome surge of cycling across the boroughs.
4 Great Bike Rides You Can Do in NY, Chicago, Atlanta & LA OR Join us on one of our Scenic Cycle Bike tours! WHEEL ESTATE The new bike path on the Mario Cuomo Bridge, linking the Hudson River [...]
Our Bike Tours are available on July 1st! This picture is from June 23rd! The boardwalks are open again and ready for us to come and enjoy riding them. This is the Mission Bay ocean Boardwalk but ALL Mission Bay [...]
Albert Einstein Loves Riding a Bike! "I thought of that while riding my Bicycle" Albert Einstein "My entire life my most creative ideas come while riding or running" Sara Ohara
Our Thanksgiving Tradition This is one of my favorites and these little lovies did a great job!
"We Were Off Our Phones for Over 2 Hours!" This has to be one of my favorite comments of my riders when I asked what their favorite part of the tour was!
J. J. Sempés Celebrates the la petite reine, his Bicycle Françoise Moulyin New Yorker Magazine We recently chatted with the eighty-seven-year-old artist, en français, about the sources of his inspiration and the dreams that haunt his old age. You have often spoken [...]