Biking Brings Out Your Creative Side

Writers, musicians, artists, top executives and all kinds of other professionals use exercise to solve mental blocks and make decisions. Biking has always done this for me, especially riding hills! As a Website Designer I’ve solved so many ‘issues’ and had many new ideas come to me while riding my bike...



Thank you Cyclovia! Encinitas in N San Diego was temporarily closed off to motor-vehicle access along a portion of Coast Highway 101 to allow cyclists, pedestrians and other non-motorized travelers to enjoy the roadway without cars. FUN, FUN, FUN! There were sooooo many more people this year than past years. LOVED seeing kids reminding their parents how much fun riding bikes together can be...


9 Reasons to Ride a Bike

Taking up cycling could be one of the best decisions you ever make. Whether it’s to boost your fitness, health, bank balance, or an environmental choice. Here 9 reasons to ride a bike, whether you want to improve your health, happiness, relationships or all three...



Goals are good for everyone - especially in these challenging times! Mine is in cycle to Spain Sept. 2022...


Slowing Down…

Riding a Bike Opens a Whole New World! What I hear most from our local riders is "I never realized...this was here!" It's amazing what we notice when we slow down and ride our bikes.


Thank You Virginia!

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Legislation aimed at improving bicycle safety will require Virginia motorists to change lanes when passing bicyclists if the travel lane is not wide enough to pass at least 3 feet to the left. The bill also removed a limitation on riding bicycles side by side. Bicyclists will now be allowed to ride two abreast...


Want to Improve Your Memory?

Just 15 Minutes on the Bike Is Enough. New Research Suggests It Doesn't Take Much To Kickstart Better Brain Health. If you want to improve your brain power to learn a new skill or if you just want a memory boost, a recent study suggests a quick 15-minute ride could help—especially if you up the intensity...


Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays from Scenic Cycle Tours! No matter what Holiday you celebrate we celebrate with you! San Diego's perfect weather encourages people to ride bikes...

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